Monday, May 24, 2010


HDL is a form of good cholesterol. HDL helps to clean out your blood vessels of the bad cholesterol (LDL). This is easily related to genetics because of the age variation among families; the reason why some live longer than others could be because of this.

Sirtuins is known as a family of genes, and the more copies you have of this it is likely you will live longer. This particular gene is part of a stress response (helps the DNA repair cells and stop them from dying). A chemical: Resveratrol delays aging by stimulating sirtuins.

length of telomeres (strtches of DNA at the end of chromosomes) relates to our biological age. People think that this length is genetic. The shorter the telomere the faster you age.

less than 50% of aging has been linked to gentics. Your actions play a role in life for example if you exercise, abuse drugs, eat healthy, etc.

Nova Staff. (2007, January 9). Aging. Retrieved May 9, 2010 from

Healthy Old Age.

Retrieved May 5, 2010, from

Moise, Katie. (2010, February 8). Researchers Identify Genetic Variant Linked to Faster Biological Aging. Retrieved May 9, 2010 from

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